Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 42 - Eve of Round 2

Round 2 of KCA tomorrow morning.  Glad that Tom is going with me.  Steph is headed out of town for a couple of days, but left me this really sweet note..
Big shout out to the great folks at  If you are ever in this situation and need a place to talk to others going through the same thing, I highly recommend their discussion groups.  Conversing with others who are going through exactly what I am has been very uplifting and comforting.  There is even a group for people that just started chemo this month, so we journey through this together.  Wonderful ladies who are juggling the same things I am... family, faith, fears, work, and hope.

Some frustrating news this week.  Spoke to the doctor and he said that I'll have to be on the Herceptin (one of the KCA cocktail drugs) for a full year. So, I thought the infusions would end on December 20th, but apparently not.  It has taken a few days for my paradigm to shift on that news.
September 25, 2013
The good news is that the Herceptin is the least side-effect riddled drug of the three and it doesn't cause hair loss.  Speaking of my hair, it is completely gone now.  Here are a couple of 'contrast and compare' pics.  I was surprised that it was actually very painful as the hair was falling out.  After two days of pain and mange, it shaved off very easily.  It was nice not to have the pain when I touched my head (like a thousand needles stabbing my scalp), but I have to admit that it was a little discouraging.  But, I expect to be back to my short summer haircut by July or so.  Just in time for the 5K Foam Fest!

June 2013
Speaking of support, I just can't say enough how much I appreciate all of my friends and colleagues.  From texting me to just check up on me, to walking with me (and often bringing a possee)  to hats and quilts, to comfort food that is delicious, to letting me know that you are praying for us every day, to helping 'pay it forward' by helping others, I am so richly blessed by each of you.  You inspire me and keep me going.  Thank you! 

 I will try and make a blog post from the chemo room tomorrow.  No promises, but I'm going to try just to prove I can multitask while KCA! Round 2 will be better than Round 1.

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