Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 38 - Round 2

Round 2 of Chemo is on Friday, September 27th.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm convincing myself that I'm looking forward to it (sigh).  The good news is that I know what to expect this time and have some new 'tools in the toolbox' to help cope with the rough week or so afterwards.
The first 8 days after Chemo are tough physically and mentally. You are glad the chemo drugs are KCA (kicking cancer's arsk, for those of you that are new), but the drugs are also constantly kicking you in the gut and your bones feel like they are in a slow motion explosion.  Mentally, it is rough because you have to constantly remind yourself, "Self, you don't have to do this or that."  I'm constantly reminding myself, "Let it go... rest, eat a little, rest some more, and save your energy for later in the race."
Whoever said that you have to look at this like a marathon instead of a sprint is spot on.  In a marathon, you need to suppress the intense egocentric desire to speed up a little and pass that guy/gal right ahead of you at mile 2.  You will pass them at mile 20 if you are disciplined.  Learning to be disciplined is hard, though.
That includes some discipline to not expend too much energy in the political commentary I usually enjoy on facebook and the comment sections of the papers... So, if I usually take you on (and you know who you are), please don't think I've lost my passion or that my silence is agreement... just know that when I finish this marathon, you better be prepared!
Then there are two or three days of feeling a little better, but not 80%. Then 10 days of feeling 80% great (all things considered)... until the next chemo treatment.
I promise not to 'bolt' in Round 2.  After all, I'm looking forward to snuggling up with my quilts and having Tom as a captive audience for a few hours.  I hope he loaded Words with Friends on his iPhone.
Hair is falling out easily now. So glad I cut it.  Just having the 1/4 inch or shorter stubbies coming off with the lint roller is weird enough.  Bonus is that my legs are silky smooth.  :-)

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