Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 2 - Friday - The Work Begins

Day 2 was easier.  Hard, but easier.

Called, texted, chatted, and met with as many close friends and colleagues as I could talk to personally today before the rumor mills start flying.  I'm so grateful for all my friends and colleagues.  From hugs, prayers, and teasing, I know how richly blessed I am.  Thank you, All!  

Got a call from the Milgard Center, they planned to do the biopsies early next week, but made room for me today (Friday) if I could be in by 12:30.  So, I had some lunch with Tom and headed back to Tacoma.  Mentally trying to wrap my head around having biopsies done while I was awake was challenging and scary.  But, it was what it was.

Fortunately, the biopsies were less painful and less threatening than I thought it would be.  It is the little things that make it frightening.  Needles are little things.  Being exposed on a table/bed with medical staff pouring warm goo on you while pointing out good places to poke a needle in you is not pleasant.

One suggestion to others starting on this journey.  Remember that you can close your eyes!  If a procedure gets overwhelming, close your eyes!  Even if it is just for a few moments, you don't have to see everything. This is why you have experts working with you.  Their eyes need to be open, but yours don't. 

The good news today is that the doctor was much more optimistic.  Still believes it is cancer, but thinks it may be less advanced than we thought yesterday.  I'll take some good news and consider it a win for the day.

Biopsy results by Tuesday. Appointment with my primary care physician at Tuesday afternoon to discuss and establish the game plan.


  1. Thanks for the details, Kathy. And for the 'attitude'...I love that you're making jokes while you tell this (eyes open/closed)!!! Just shows me how strong you are and how you'll beat it with humor to boot!

    1. I hope I don't start resorting to morbid humor. That would mean the drugs are altering my psyche because I'm not a fan of morbid humor. If I do, kick me when my eyes are closed! ;-)
