Thursday, August 22, 2013

Checklists - The Road Ahead - Keeping Faith - Good Prevails

Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God"
Family Check.  Friends Check. Specialists. Check.  Knowing that Heavenly Father is in charge... Priceless.

Today's update isn't as upbeat as usual.  Don't worry.  This isn't a lessening of my resolve.  Just the reality that some days will see a little rain.  Today was a mentally and emotionally exhausting rainy day.

Why?  Well, much of today was spent coming face to face with the challenges ahead. First visit with my new primary Specialist was this morning. First unplanned mental breakdown was this afternoon (after I left the office).

First planned breakdown is now scheduled for Saturday between 2-4pm at an undisclosed location where what happens in a breakdown stays in the breakdown zone. ;-) 

Special thanks to Hannah and Susan, who work with Dr. Lynne Clark, and patiently answered my questions and graciously made this all sound so 'normal' even though it really isn't 'normal'.  My first visit to Dr. Clark's office was a very positive, but quite surreal, experience.

Next Wednesday, in a very brief surgical procedure, Dr. Clark will insert a "port" under my skin, just below my clavicle,  that will allow chemotherapy and other 'stuff' to have easy entry to my body to help get me well.  Then, next Friday, I meet with Dr Senecal to learn all I never wanted to know about slow drip cancer killing cocktails known as chemotherapy.

Keeping Faith

Big Shout Out to a friend who shared this with me earlier this week from Elder Orson F. Whitney:
“...all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable. … It is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire.”

Good Prevails

Was talking with friends today about the test results and next steps.  While sharing that the biopsy report classifies these abnormal cancer cells as, "aggressive", one of my friends put it all in perspective.  Paraphrasing her a little....
"Well of course they are aggressive, Kathryn. We wouldn't expect your cells to be anything less than aggressive.  But the good news is that the good cells in your body will be even more aggressive than the bad ones".
What a great perspective!  She is absolutely right.  My good cells will aggressively prevail over my bad cells!  That just about summarizes the story of my life.  ;-)


  1. Kathryn although we have never been close friends, I know enough about you through your lovely Facebook rants and raves, also by the character of your son to know that God definately never gives you more than you can handle and you my friend are a strong ass woman that definately can beat all that comes your way!!! :-)

    1. Thanks, Donna. Especially for the comment about my son. I am so richly blessed with great kids who are moral, kind, and good.

      Thanks for being part of Team Simpson. With such great support from the team, we'll be kicking A** and getting this cancer on the run quickly and effectively!!!

  2. Kathy..I cannot believe how quickly and completely this is altering your day to day life. Yet I'm happy the treatment is taking shape so quickly. I know that you have dealt with rain and found the rainbow many times before in your life..and you will this time too. Yep...good always prevails. And kind, caring, and loving thoughts can also permeate a breakdown zone. (Is permeate the right word there??? I hope so:) You are soooo not alone!

    1. The detour sure had a quick turn, didn't it? The swiftness of the detour is what has me a little overwhelmed right now. Not much time to catch my breath and rebel. Maybe that is a good thing. ;-)

      I'll share a short story about 'rainbows' in my next update. Thanks for being here. It is so much easier knowing that great people are praying for us and concerned for us.

  3. I am in awe of your strength and resolve. I am gaining strength from your posts, which is not the intent, I'm sure. It is helping me in my own private health battle where I have been struggling. I will pray for you, for strength, for aggressive fight from within your body. If anyone can beat this, you can!

    1. Glad this is helpful to you, too, Bekah. It is actually part of my intent. If articulating what I am going through helps others then that helps me focus purpose in this paradigm and that is a good thing!

      Hang in there. Message me or call if I can be of any help. I'll be praying for you too! We get by with a little help from our friends. Sometimes we are the cheerleader, sometimes we are the person being cheered on. :-)
